A Creative Origin I

Getting Started

Chukwuyenum Opone
2 min readAug 30, 2021
An Image Of My Alter Ego ChuckyMagic

- I really was just a weird lad growing up, all I did was play video games and watch anime and this is my creative origin.

- My first encounter with programming was my first year in university, I kid you not it legit looked like Hebrew to me, I didn’t understand jack shit! for someone studying computer science that was just disappointing.

- I kind of got a hang of it, learned basic programming, moved on to Paschal and Fortran in my second year.

- My third year was when it became dicey, I mean if you encounter c/c++ for the first time you can relate, especially when you have to write it on paper phew !!!, dreadful times I must say.

- My final year was a blessing, why you might be wondering? My H.O.D at the time was my supervisor, and he personally took us on Data Structures and Algorithm, This brilliant man broke down complex structures like it was ABC.

- The way I come up with solutions to complex problems today is all thanks to Adjunct Professor Atabong Timothy Agendia-abanda (PhD), Who supervised my final year project on The Garden Hose Model, he also made me build a social communication network using the model, I really have no clue where this project is anymore because at the time I just wrote raw codes and ran on my local computer no knowledge on git and repos.

- That computer got stolen a year later, but we thank God for life.

- Finally Graduated and The nation calls on my doorstep for service, Next up National Youth Service Corps.

To be Continued.



Chukwuyenum Opone

A software and game programmer with over 5 years in tech and gaming, driven by innovation and a passion for AI, and a way with words.